Massage •

Deep Tissue Massage

45mins $90 / 60mins $120 / 90mins $170

Inc: 10mins Footspa + 50mins Shoulder, back&leg + 30mins Head arm & front leg with Essential Oil

Inc: 30mins Foot treatment with Essential Oil + 30mins Shoulder&back + 20mins hips&legs + 10mins Head + 10mins Chest + 10mins Quads + 10mins Abdomen

Healing Arts Deep tissue massage is a therapeutic bodywork technique that focuses on targeting deeper layers of muscles and connective tissues. This type of massage involves applying firm pressure and slow strokes to alleviate chronic muscle tension, improve blood circulation, and promote relaxation. It aims to break down adhesions (knots) in the muscles and relieve pain, often benefiting individuals with muscle injuries, postural issues, and chronic pain conditions. Unlike traditional Swedish massage, deep tissue massage concentrates on specific problem areas rather than providing a full-body relaxation experience. It can cause some discomfort during the process due to the intensity of pressure applied. Individuals seeking deep tissue massage should communicate their comfort level with the therapist to ensure the right amount of pressure is applied. Overall, deep tissue massage offers a focused approach to addressing musculoskeletal issues and promoting overall wellness.

Price List •

  • 30 Minutes $60
  • 45 Minutes $85
  • 60 Minutes $99
  • 90 Minutes $130
  • 120 Minutes $160