Massage •

Remedial massage

45mins $90 / 60mins $120 / 90mins $170

Inc: 10mins Footspa + 50mins Shoulder, back&leg + 30mins Head arm & front leg with Essential Oil

Healing Arts Remedial massage is a targeted therapeutic approach that aims to address specific musculoskeletal issues and promote healing within the body. This type of massage involves assessing and identifying areas of tension, pain, or dysfunction and applying a combination of techniques to alleviate these problems. Remedial massage practitioners are trained to use various techniques such as deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, myofascial release, and stretching to target problem areas and encourage better circulation, relaxation, and mobility. It is commonly used to address conditions like sports injuries, chronic pain, and postural imbalances. Unlike relaxation massages, remedial massage requires a thorough understanding of anatomy and individualized treatment plans to effectively address underlying issues. It can be a valuable component of holistic healthcare, aiding in the recovery and prevention of injuries while enhancing overall well-being.

Price List •

  • 30 Minutes $60
  • 45 Minutes $85
  • 60 Minutes $99
  • 90 Minutes $130
  • 120 Minutes $160